Engagement and Productivity
Many people continue to beat the engagement band wagon touting its main benefit of increasing productivity. A question can be asked: Is engagement really all about productivity? After all, isn’t that where we actually get the return on our investment? Whatever we choose to spend on engagement we get back, plus more with improved productivity. So, isn’t engagement about productivity? For me, the answer is “No”. And, to extend my…
Read more...Employee Engagement: All About The Team
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There is so much to learn from listening to others. Recently I met with some leaders at a company that uses regular surveys to gauge employee engagement. Our goal was to brainstorm next steps. During a lunch briefing, our discussion began in what I fear is a traditional way of solving for engagement scores. These leaders were tasked with developing work area specific action plans. Posted on HRCSuite.com August 19,2012…
Read more...Positive Feedback and Arabian Horses?
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About a year ago I was conducting a workshop with a group of leaders on the topic of employee reward and recognition. Group exercises focused on finding ways to share rewards and recognition with employees. A key belief many of us hold is that sharing rewards and recognition with employees is an excellent way to reinforce positive outcomes and to — over time — increase positive outcomes and move away…
Read more...Connect With Your Employees in 3 Easy Steps
Those of us watching EFCA (Employee Free Choice Act) may want to relax under the new Congress. Not likely EFCA will get much traction. However, I suggest now is the time to ramp up your employee relations efforts. Get connected or improve your direct connections with employees. EFCA isn’t the only challenge on the horizon. What can you do? 1. Rounding: Leaders (senior level, front line and HR) get out…
Read more...Who Owns The Employee Relationship?
The NLRB just announced (12/21/2010) a proposed rule requiring businesses to post notices in break rooms to inform employees of their rights to bargain collectively, distribute union literature or engage in other union activities without reprisal. The NLRB issued a statement saying: “The intended effects of this action are to increase knowledge of the NLRA among employees, to better enable the exercise of rights under the statute, and to promote…