The Power of Rounding: 5 Reasons to Leave Your Office
Rounding can be described as the simple act of getting out of your office and visiting the operational work areas of your business and the places where your customers spend time. The current TV show, Undercover Boss, is an example of rounding. A CEO disguises him or herself, and spends time with the average employee, working side by side with front line staff. This is an entertaining show. However, this…
Read more...Cultivating Great Customers: 6 Steps to Success
When we deliver excellent customer service we are doing our part in an important relationship. We also need and want our customer to do their part. What does this mean and how do we achieve this? I recently was reading a back issue of Fine Homebuilding from Summer 2011. Several lines in the article by John McLean titled “Why Good Clients Lead to Successful Projects” caught my attention. Posted on…
Read more...How is HR Like McDonalds?
I like McDonald’s hamburgers, fries and shakes. Many, many other people do, too. It is staggering to think about how many customers are served daily by this company. McDonald’s tell us on their web site that they each and every day they serve “more than 47 million customers around the world”. When I go to McDonald’s what do I get? Now, I am not talking about what food item I…
Read more...SNAP – Customer Service
The power of simple, routine, consistently used customer service messages. SNAP stands for: Status, Next Steps, Approximate Timeline, and Planned Outcome. These are the four parts of a highly effective message that you can send to your customers. Use this technique to set customer expectations and then to communicate with your customers about what you are doing and how that affects the service you are delivering. You can see more…